Friday, 14 September 2012

Bulging Belly?

Sometimes we want to shrink our bellies and so we diet, count our calories, exercise more etc etc and yet nothing seems to make much difference. That belly is still bulging and your waist line is thicker than you'd like. There is something else you can try... something that can make several inches worth of difference to your middle! Check your food labels for wheat and wheat flour and avoid the products that contain it. So many people talk about how much better they felt and how they were less bloated after cutting out bread. Bread is a huge culprit in the 'bloating' world but you'll be amazed at how much more wheat you are consuming in all your other meals. Avoid the wheat, give it a couple of weeks and you'll be thrilled with the results. And one last thing... get a tape measure and record your waist measurements before you start. You are not likely to notice the difference on the bathroom scales, but you will see it in inches. Go for it and please comment below to let me know how this has worked out for you :)