Friday 8 March 2013

Gift Downloads

If you have come here purely for the 4 free gifts, please accept my sincere apologies. A technical issue has meant I have had to remove the link to them. Sorry for any disappointment.

Monday 17 December 2012

Christmas Eating

So how are you all doing with your health goals then? Christmas is approaching and hopefully you have managed to shrink into that party outfit! I am pleased to say that I have! The next task is to keep it off, especially over Christmas. This is just a short post to serve as a reminder that Christmas is just another day. You do not NEED to fill yourself with toxic junk just because of the date! Why undo all your hard work? We all know that eating all that food makes us feel lethargic and then, it seems to cause a downward spiral. We eat the rubbish, feel lethargic, laze about, eat more, feel worse, laze more... you get the picture! Don't do it to yourself. In my quest to shed the lbs I have reduced my calorie intake by listening to my body and only eating what I need and no more. By doing this I have discovered that I have much much more energy. Eating (or more specifically, digestion) takes up a lot of energy and some people suffer more from that than others. I suffered terribly with sluggish digestion and lacked in energy in a big way. Now I am eating so much less food, I am positively bouncing around and have gone from sleeping 8 hours a night to just 4 and feeling fine on it. So, when you start getting into the festivities, just remember how much better you will feel by the New Year if you just take control of what goes into your mouth! Happy Christmas!!! See you in the New Year :-)

Friday 14 September 2012

Bulging Belly?

Sometimes we want to shrink our bellies and so we diet, count our calories, exercise more etc etc and yet nothing seems to make much difference. That belly is still bulging and your waist line is thicker than you'd like. There is something else you can try... something that can make several inches worth of difference to your middle! Check your food labels for wheat and wheat flour and avoid the products that contain it. So many people talk about how much better they felt and how they were less bloated after cutting out bread. Bread is a huge culprit in the 'bloating' world but you'll be amazed at how much more wheat you are consuming in all your other meals. Avoid the wheat, give it a couple of weeks and you'll be thrilled with the results. And one last thing... get a tape measure and record your waist measurements before you start. You are not likely to notice the difference on the bathroom scales, but you will see it in inches. Go for it and please comment below to let me know how this has worked out for you :)

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Stomach Trimming

When you're losing weight, even if you still have fat around your middle, it can be surprising how effective targeted exercises can be at pulling your waist in and making it appear trimmer. So I found this great video and wanted to share it with you.

If you enjoyed this post, please leave a comment here :)

Tuesday 7 August 2012


Who are you accountable to? What is it that stops you from eating those foods you know you shouldn't? Have you considered getting yourself an 'accountability coach'? Just choose a family member for example, particularly a spouse or someone who you would feel completely embarrased to tell that you had eaten 'a whole pack of cookies, 2 chocolate bars and a family pack of crisps' and make a deal with yourself and them that every day, they will ask you what you have eaten that you shouldn't, and that you, WILL TELL THEM HONESTLY what you ate. No witholding, no lies. If you know you are going to be quizzed and that you have to confess, you may just stop eating like a pig! I used this and it has worked wonders. I was in a state of repeated cupboard raiding and didn't know how to stop it. This worked. :) I hope it works for you in your goals. Please share your thoughts below and any tips you have found useful too :)

Sunday 5 August 2012

I'd Like Your Thoughts

If you're enjoying my blog, please comment below.  I really like hearing your thoughts :)

Thursday 26 July 2012

Find Your focus

Okay, you want to lose weight.  How badly?  What's your motivation?

It's all very well deciding that you want to lose weight but all too often, it doesn't go much further than that.  To lose weight you HAVE TO make changes to your diet, you cannot continue to eat in the same manner as you have been up to now and expect to lose weight.  Obvious I know.  And yet, we fail to do it.  The 'diet' begins, we make changes but we don't keep them up.  So what's going wrong?

If you were losing weight for an event or a holiday, it is much more likely that you will stick with the diet.  You have a clear motivation and a deadline.  If you just want to lose weight, you are almost doomed to failure.  You have to find more motivation than that if you want to sustain it.

What motivation could you have then...?  if you have been overweight for a while then you may already be experiencing health issues.  Perhaps you suffer with foot pain?  Ankle or knee pain?  Maybe walking around in warm weather is quickly exhausting for you?  Your back hurts.  Let me assure you that most of these issues will go away or be hugely relieved by losing your extra body fat.  And if you're not suffering from ill effects from being overweight yet, be assured that sooner or later, they will catch up with you.  What better motivation could you have then?  You have a holiday to aim for!  The holiday of being pain and discomfort free, one where you can enjoy life to the full!  Forget the 'looking slim' motivation, it isn't strong enough but you CAN do it for your health, to lead a fun and active life and then, if you want to keep living that lifestyle, that will be all the motivation you need to stick with it for life!

You can do it! :)