Monday 17 December 2012

Christmas Eating

So how are you all doing with your health goals then? Christmas is approaching and hopefully you have managed to shrink into that party outfit! I am pleased to say that I have! The next task is to keep it off, especially over Christmas. This is just a short post to serve as a reminder that Christmas is just another day. You do not NEED to fill yourself with toxic junk just because of the date! Why undo all your hard work? We all know that eating all that food makes us feel lethargic and then, it seems to cause a downward spiral. We eat the rubbish, feel lethargic, laze about, eat more, feel worse, laze more... you get the picture! Don't do it to yourself. In my quest to shed the lbs I have reduced my calorie intake by listening to my body and only eating what I need and no more. By doing this I have discovered that I have much much more energy. Eating (or more specifically, digestion) takes up a lot of energy and some people suffer more from that than others. I suffered terribly with sluggish digestion and lacked in energy in a big way. Now I am eating so much less food, I am positively bouncing around and have gone from sleeping 8 hours a night to just 4 and feeling fine on it. So, when you start getting into the festivities, just remember how much better you will feel by the New Year if you just take control of what goes into your mouth! Happy Christmas!!! See you in the New Year :-)